
Independent Thinking: What choices will the next UK foreign secretary face?

A conversation with Brownen Maddox, director of Chatham House, Olivia O’Sullivan, director of the UK in the World programme at Chatham House, and Shashank Joshi, Defence Editor at The Economist, about the future of UK foreign policy after the next general elections. May 2024.

A critical friend: Helene von Bismarck on Britain and the World

On Arthur Snell’s Behind the Lines Podcasts, Helene explained her intellectual journey of discovering the history and politics of the United Kingdom from the outside, discussed British and German blind spots, and warned that the last few years in UK politics should serve as a warning for the future of liberal democracy across Europe and the United States. May 2024.

Trump versus NATO: Could Europe survive alone?

On Gavin Esler’s This Is Not A Drill podcast, Helene explained what a Trump presidency could mean for European security. February 2024

War in Ukraine. Can the EU survive without Russian oil and gas?

Helene joined the Chatham House Undercurrents Series to discuss the relevance of Europe’s dependency on Russian energy for the war in Ukraine. April 2022

Großbritannien und die EU. Ein historisches Missverständnis?

Helene joined the Koerber Stiftung’s past& present podcast to discuss the relevance of history in the Brexit debate. July 2020

Piraten, Kapernfahrten und Wagemut. Brexiteers und ihr überraschendes Geschichtsbild

Gespräch mit Deutschlandfunk Kultur über selektive Erinnerung und nostalgische Geschichtsbilder in der Brexit-Diskussion in Großbritannien. 27 November 2019


Sicherheitspolitisches Umdenken in Großbritannien?

Interview with Deutschlandfunk, 15 February 2024

BBC World Service – Weekend

Panelist on the Weekend Show, commenting on the main international events of the last week,  11 November 2023

BBC World Service – Weekend

Panelist on the Weekend Show, commenting on the main international events of the last week,  7 May 2023

Rishi Sunak, Großbritanniens neuer Premierminister

Interview with Deutschlandfunk, 24 October 2022

BBC World Service – Weekend

Panelist on the Weekend Show, commenting on the main international events of the week, 15 October 2022

Johnson und Churchill, UK und die Ukraine

Interview with Deutschlandfunk, 5 July 2022

Chancellor Scholz’ first official visit to London

Interview with BBC Radio Four, 8 April 2022

BBC World Service – Weekend

Panelist on the Weekend Show, commenting on the main international events of the week, 21 November 2021

BBC World Service – Weekend

Panelist on the Weekend Show, commenting on the main international events of the week, 20 December 2020

LBC Radio: Johnson, Merkel and the backstop idea for Northern Ireland

Interview with Shelagh Fogarty, 22 August 2019


What the end of the official mourning period for Queen Elisabeth II means for UK politics, September 2022

Interview (in English) with Deutsche Welle TV about the end of the formal mourning period for Queen Elisabeth II, what the new monarch means for UK politics, and why this constitutionally significant moment may have worked to the advantage of new Prime Minister Liz Truss.

The world commemorates the 75th anniversary of VE Day, 8 May 2020

Interview with BBC World News TV about the different ways in which VE Day (the end of the Second World War in Europe) is discussed and commemorated across the continent after seventy-five years of peace, at a time when the pandemic prevents us from meeting in remembrance.

German historian Helene von Bismarck on Brexit, Boris Johnson and the EU, 4 July 2019

Interview with British news broadcaster Matt Frei on Channel Four News about the Tory leadership contest and its consequences for the relationship between UK and EU during the Brexit negotiations. Video available on Channel Four Youtube Channel.

Will there be a No Deal Brexit?, 11 April 2019

Interview with Deutsche Welle TV about the difficulties of UK Prime Minister Theresa May and the state of the Brexit negotiations.

Brexit Blitz Spirit: Why does it always come back to the war?, 25 February 2019

Short film with British news broadcaster Channel Four about war references in the Brexit debate, and why they are so inappropriate. Video available on the Channel Four Youtube Channel.

Königliche Dynastien: Die Windsors. Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF), 2014

In 2014, Helene acted as a commentator in a TV Documentary about the British monarchy. In the film she explained the connection between monarchy and imperialism in Britain’s history from the Victorians to the present day. The film was aired by the Zweite Deutsche Fernsehen (ZDF) in July 2014 and has been rerun numerous times since then.